Friday, May 22, 2009

Life Goals

Today was an awesome day with two hilarious kids. My son Brayden whom is two has learned the song "This little light of mine". Well I should say he has learned parts of it. He has been walking around singing
"shine, shine, shine, shine"
and every once in a while you will hear a "phew" (he won't let Satan blow it out!). It is the cutest thing ever! But every time he starts singing it is a reminder to me I can't let Satan blow my light out either. Great lesson from a two year old. But I know God put those words on his lips and I am grateful for them.

I was married at the age of 18 and a mother to my daughter at the age of 19. I thought like any TEENager that I was ready for motherhood but I wasn't. I had already quit school and "intended" on going back. Every year it got tougher and tougher or maybe just more excuses came along. Six years later here I am a mother of two and no college education to count for. So I have decided I AM going back to school this year. I really want to prove to my children you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to. Not only that but I hope I can be a role model for other moms that are in the same situation I am in. Because lets face it the last thing us mothers think about is ourselves. But this is the most non selfish thing a mother OR father can do.

It's going to be difficult but what isn't? I am excited and for the first time in a REALLY long time I am proud of myself. My goal is to finish with a business degree and one day open a Charity (ironic, I know). I want to be able to help other parents with getting back to school. I want the Charity to focus on single parents that don't have help such as babysitters. I want to help with providing a safe haven for the family, financial counseling, childcare, study groups/tutoring, and job interview classes, job hunting assistance. When the schooling and program is over I want to assist with purchasing their first home. It's a dream but I am a dreamer and my mind is set.

I know what it is like not to have time to study and I have a husband. I can only imagine for a single parent trying to work and go to school what it must be like. I want them to have hope they can go back to school. The financial counseling is important to me because I don't feel like alot of people are not prepared to be homeowners until they have more education about money. Being a homeowner is a big investment and to most it is just a dream. But I want it to be a reality and give people something to work hard for.

I know with enough support from my family and friends (and bloggers), I can get through school and accomplish my dream goal of my own Charity. So I am going to keep dreaming and never give up, not this time.

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